Details on Groovs model to help you understand the data and how to maximise the integration benefits
Payment represent the actual transaction when a customer (seller's buyer) gets charged for a purchase using various payment methods. Refunds are recorded as negative payments and will have the reference of the actual purchase payment record. This object allows you to calculate gross sales, Annual Recurring Revenue, Average Revenue Per User, Win Rate, Conversion Rate, Average Deal Size, Average Profit Margin.
If a payment has been initiated via an invoice request, the payment object will have a link to the Invoice object.
If a payment has a customer record associated at the point of checkout, the payment object will have a link to the customer object
If a payment has been generated on the back of a customer order on the commerce platform, the payment object will have a link to the order object and will specify details of the product and catalog.
Attribute | Type | Description |
object | string | value is "payment" |
id | string | identifier of the payment record on Groov platform |
ledgerAccountId | string | id of the merchant account ledger entry as setup on Groov platform. |
partnerSource | string | name of the partner system which holds the account name |
type | string | If the payment is a charge or a refund. Values: charge refund |
amount | integer | payment amount |
refund_reason | string | Reason for the refund if available. Values can be: duplicate fraudulent requested_by_customer expired_uncaptured_charge |
currency | currency | Three-letter ISO currency code representing the default currency in which the payment record was captured |
transaction | string | identifier of the transaction record on Groov platform that reflects this payment amount. This expansion oject also holds the details of the fees and charges that the commerce/payment provider has applied during processing the payment. Expansion supported on this attribute |
order_id | If a payment has been taken as part of an order on the commerce/payment provider platform, this will hold the details of the order Expansion supported on this attribute | |
status | string | status of the payment: unknown pending failed succeeded cancelled |
status_reason | hash | details of payment status whether the payment was accepted, and why |
outcome | string | detailed status of the payment, provides additional information whilst the payment got processed successfully or with exception unknown pending issuer declined blocked authorised paid failed cancelled succeeded |
outcome_reason | string | Details the possible reason why a payment status has been on an exception mode instead of paid. Will show values if provided by the partner Possible values: - as per valies in decline_codes column in worksheet "payments_decline_codes" - lost_or_stolen_card - expired_or_canceled_card - unknown |
outcome_risk_level | string | Transactional risk value attributed to the payment by the payment provider during authorisation. Defaults to 'Not Available'. If a value is available, it indicates the risk and fraud rating the payment processor has applied on the payment as part of the authorisation process Values: Not Available Not Accessed Unknown LowRisk High Risk |
customer | string | This holds the details of the associated customer (buyer) who has made the payment (charge or refund) if available at the point of checkout. This relates to a recordon te Groov ' Customer' data model object. Expansion supported on this attribute |
disputed | boolean | Indicates if a charge payment record has been disputed by the customer (buyer) |
payment_failure_reason_code | string | Error code explaining reason if a charge (a type of payment) has failed for some reason whilst in the authorisation/clearing process |
payment_failure_reason | string | Error description explaining reason if a charge (a type of payment) has failed for some reason whilst in the authorisation/clearing process |
fraud_outcome | string | Few commerce/payment providers perform fraud check on few payments (charges) as it goes theorugh the payment processing cycle. If provided, the values will be: safe or fraudulent |
invoice | string | This holds the details of the associated invoice that has been generated for the customer (buyer) to facilitate a payment (charge or refund) if available, applies only to those businesses who generate invoices to get paid. This relates to a recordon te Groov's 'Invoice data model object. Expansion supported on this attribute |
method_details | hash | Provide additional metadata for the payment method and details used to process the payment |
type | string | Payment method type: (any others as provided by payment partner) |
details | array of hashes | For each payment.method_details.type, the details as a hash array subobject specifies the name/value pair of the specific type via which the payment has been made |
type_name | string | for a specific partner, if the payment type has associated details, this stores the name part of the name:value pair (example will be brand, card type, card expiry date, cvc checks performed, etc). Tags that can be queried upon are: brand |
type_value | string | for a specific partner, if the payment type has associated details, this stores the value part of the name:value pair for every specific name (example for a type name of Brand, this will show the brand value i.e mastercard or visa, etc) |
due_date | Specifies a due date by when the seller has requested for a payment to be made from the customer (buyer). This will be avaialble if provided by the partner | |
created_date | timestamp | Date the payment was created in the commerce or partner platform |
source_modified_date | timestamp | Date the payment was last changed in the commerce or partner platform |
modifiedDate | date | Date the record was last updated in the our system. |
pos_terminal_id | string | reader or terminal id (TID) of the reader which was used to process the payment if it’s a in person payment (not applicable for eCommerce payments) |
location_latitude | string | Latitude value from the coordinates of the payment location (as received from the payment terminal reader). - not applicable for eCommerce payments |
location_longitude | string | Longitude value from the coordinates of the payment location (as received from the payment terminal reader). - not applicable for eCommerce payments |
verification_method | string | Verification method used for the payment during checkout. Possible values are: none signature offline pin online pin offline pin + signature confirmation code verified unknown |
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