Groov API catalog and planned endpoints we are working on vs whats available.


Connection Sources (ROADMAP)
Unified data entityWhat does it doLink to Swagger/modelUpdatedStripeSumUpWorldpay

Barclaycard, Global payments, Elavon, DoJo (Payment Sense), AIBMS, iZettle, Paypal

Amazon, Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, Square,  eBay, Wix, BigCommerce, Marketplaces/Other eCommerce platforms (eg: Etsy;NOTHS; Others) as requested/prioritised by our clients
CONNECT Consent (Authorisation)

Use "/v.../auth/consent/page" to request a CONNECT consent URL 

Use "/v.../auth/consent/ledgerAccountId" to look up and retrieve the Groov generated ledger account identifier using your institution platform identifier

Consent endpointJul 22Y (Live)Y (Live)Q3 22Q3/Q4 22TBC
ledger accountUse this entity to look up details of the setup of one or more connected business customer as per their merchant/commerce/trading account providers. You can query for your customers MID, terminal setup, merchant account hierarchy, business details using the listed endpointsLedger account endpointsFeb 22Y (Live)Y (Live)Q3 22Q3/Q4 22TBC
paymentUse this entity to access the list of all payments as would appear on the merchant/commerce/trading accounts of one or more connected business customers. You can view details of the payments like the currency, amount, type, payment method, payment type, linked disputes and any other related granular information Payment endpointsNov 21Y (Live)Y (Live)Q3 22Q3/Q4 22TBC
Transaction endpointsNov 21Y (Live)Y (Live)Q3 22Q3/Q4 22TBC
Settlement endpointsNov 21Y (Live)Y (Live)Q3 22Q3/Q4 22TBC
Dispute endpointsNov 21Y (Live)Y (Live)Q3 22Q3/Q4 22TBC
external account (/Bank; /Card; /Others)
External accounts endpointsDec 21Y (Live)Y (Live)Q3 22Q3/Q4 22TBC
Customer endpointsDec 21Y (Live)NANAQ3/Q4 22TBC
Q3 22TBCQ3/Q4 22Q3/Q4 22Q3 22Q3/Q4 22TBC
product catalog
health check
Q4 22
Q4 22Q4 22Q4 22Q4 22TBC
Q4 22
Q4 22Q4 22Q4 22Q4 22TBC

Refer to the following Core Model/Data Dictionary page for additional documentation on the schema/models

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