Core Models/Data Dictionary

Core Models/Data Dictionary

Details on Groovs model to help you understand the data and how to maximise the integration benefits

Groov Data Model

Explore our core data models/schema/data dictionary and understand what the API objects mean in the context of the seller and buyer commerce/payments/partner dataset.

Data Dictionary Catalogue

Unified data entityDetails of the API ObjectLink to Swagger/model
CONNECT Consent (Authorisation)

Use "/v.../auth/consent/page" to request a CONNECT consent URL 

Use "/v.../auth/consent/ledgerAccountId" to look up and retrieve the Groov generated ledger account identifier using your institution platform identifier

Use "/v.../auth/consent/status" to look up and retrieve the status of various partner connections for a speciific account using Groov generated ledger account identifier or your institution platform identifier. The status values returned will be from the enum list below {“Active”,“Revoked”,"Denied”,"Inactive”,“Lost Connection”,“Not Authorised”); where "Active" represents an authorised and an alive connection to the partner account

Connect endpoints
ledger accountClick for details of data dictionary Ledger account endpoints
paymentClick for details of data dictionary Payment endpoints
transactionClick for details of data dictionary Transaction endpoints
settlementClick for details of data dictionary Settlement endpoints
disputeClick for details of data dictionary Dispute endpoints
external accountClick for details of data dictionary External accounts endpoints
customerClick for details of data dictionary Customer endpoints
product catalogTBCBacklog


billing invoiceClick for details of data dictionaryBilling Invoice endpoints
billing invoice line itemClick for details of data dictionaryBilling Invoice endpoints
customer invoiceTBCBacklog
Insights - Settlement SummaryClick for details of insights modelSettlement summary endpoint
Insights - OthersTBCQ4 2024

Access our Swagger documentation here

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