API Catalog

API Catalog

Please browse through our catalog to see the rich estate of data, insights and services we have in offer for you.

Catalog Family Component

What does it do

Link to API/ endpoints

CONNECT (Authorisation)

Allows you to use Groov's white labelled Connect flow for your customers to provide authorised access to their merchant/commerce/trading accounts thus resulting in a connected account on Groov platform. It also includes endpoints for you to provide deep integration to Groov without using Groovs hosted page instead calling the various Connect partners whilst keeping the merchant experience in your application. Also has endpoints to manage authorisation like ability to revoke, getting status of connected accounts.

Authorisation & Connect API endpoints

ledger account

Use this API family endpoints to look up the business account details/ merchant account details of your connected account as per whats available with their merchant/commerce/trading account providers. You can query for your customers MID, terminal setup, merchant account hierarchy, business details, address details using the listed endpoints

Ledger account endpoints


Use this API family endpoints to access the list of all payments as would appear on the merchant/commerce/trading accounts of one or more of your connected business customers. You can view details of the payments like the currency, amount, type, payment method, payment type, linked disputes and any other related granular information 

Payment endpoints


Use this API family endpoints to access information about any kind of funds that move through the ledger account's commerce platform or POS ecosystem (primarily merchant account). This will not only includes charges and refunds but will also cater to adjustments, payment exceptions, fees/charges, other costs associated during the payment processing cycle.

Transaction endpoints


Use this API family endpoints to understand the funding/payout your merchant business receives from their commerce/payment partner/provider, based on either an automated payout schedule or a manual orchestration, depending on the merchants county/industry setup with its commerce/payment partner provider. 

Settlement endpoints


Use this API family endpoints to understand Information on disputes/chargebacks

Dispute endpoints

external account (/Bank; /Card; /Others)

Use this to understand the payout transfer destinations (Banks, Cards or wallets)  for a merchant (ledger account)

External accounts endpoints


Use this to view information about a merchants/businesses customers i.e its buyers information

Customer endpoints

billing invoices (aka Statements as pdfs)

Use this to view and/or download the monthly VAT statements/ invoices that a merchant receives from its commerce/payment partner provider. This also provides the PSR mandated Summary Information for a merchant account

Billing Invoice endpoints

billing invoice line items

Use this to access the line item level information within a monthly statement/invoice to see transaction charge split, miscellaneous fees, VAT info and any other charges that exist.

Billing invoice line item endpoint

insights - settlement summary

Use this as an easy way to get an aggregated/rolled up view of a merchants (account ledger) business health score, business analytics, MI data and statistical information as available

Insights endpoints


Use this to set webhook's and subscribe to various events generated on the Groov platform for all your connected accounts including platform events wherever provided



product catalog






Refer to the following Core Model/Data Dictionary page for additional documentation on the schema/models

Access our Swagger documentation here

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