Transaction model

Transaction model

Details on Groovs model to help you understand the data and how to maximise the integration benefits

Transaction data dictionary

What is a Transaction object on Groov platform?

Transactions represent any kind of funds that move through the ledger account's commerce platform or POS system. This will not only includes charges and refunds but will also cater to adjustments, payment exceptions, fees/charges, other costs associated during the payment processing cycle.

Every time a payment takes place and a charge or refund record is created on Payment object, Groov will create a related record on the Transaction object to hold the fees associated with the payment incl FX fees, payment/commerce processing fees, etc

Every time a settlement/payout takes place, Groov will create a related record on the Transaction object to hold the settlement related fees or funding exceptions if they occur. This allows you to understand a clear audit trail of the various adjustment that has happened on the processing account of the seller that it has on the commerce/payment partner platform

Every time a commerce/payment partner platform does an internal cost adjustment and charges the seller for additional services or negative balances or advance loans which are not directly related to a payment or a settlement, Groov will create an adjustment transaction type entry on Transaction object to accrue the charges as incurred by the partner platform

Every time a dispute is created on the Dispute Object, Groov will create a record in Transaction object to accrue any costs/fees related to processing the disputes by the commerce/payment partner platform.

Data Dictionary

objectstringvalue is "transaction"
idstringidentifier of the transaction record on Groov platform
ledgerAccountIdstringid of the merchant account ledger entry as setup on Groov platform. This could internally maps to multiple PartnerAccountConnectionids
partnerSourcestringname of the partner system
typestringTransaction Type values:
charge - Created when a credit card charge is created successfully.
charge_others - Created when an alternative payment method charge is created successfully.
refund - Created when a credit card charge refund is initiated.
charge_others_refund - Created when an alternative payment method refund is initiated.
transaction_exceptions - created when a refund fails
adjustment - Adjustments wrt additions or deductions from Partner merchant account balance that are made outside of the normal charge/refund flow. (Refund_failures, Disputes, dispute reversals)
settlement - Payouts from Partner merchant account balance to merchants bank account.
settlement_exceptons - when payouts either fail or get cancelled
reserve - When merchant account provider/partner holds merchants funds in reserve to mitigate risk
merhantservicecharge - Merchant service charges levied by the payment provider
fx_fee -currency conversion fees
other - Default type if any of the other defined types arent met
categorystringtransaction category values:
charge - all charges incl credit cards and alternate payment methods
refund - all refunds incl credit cards and alternate payment methods
dispute - When a customer disputes a charge, partner deducts the disputed amount from merchants balance.
dispute_reversal - When a merchant win a dispute, the disputed amount is returned to merchants balance.
other_adjustment - Miscellaneous adjustments to merchants balance in partner platform
other - default category type
gross_amountdecimalGross value of transaction in pence
currencycurrencyThree-letter ISO currency code representing the default currency in which the payment record was captured
feedecimalFees paid for transaction based on transaction type (in pence)
exchange_ratedecimalThe exchange rate used, if applicable, for this transaction.
net_amountdecimalNet amount for this transaction, in pence
sourcestringidentifier of the related object record on Groov platform that reflects this transaction (ie a payment object reference or a settlement or a dispute))

Expansion supported on this attribute
SettlementIdstringThis will be available for a payment related transaction entry only. this represents the identifier of the related settlement record on Groov platform that is a related transaction

Expansion supported on this attribute
DisputeIdstringThis will be available for a payment related transaction entry only. This represents the identifier of the related object record on Groov platform that reflects this transaction (i.e a dispute object reference)

Expansion supported on this attribute
available_ontimestampThe date the transaction’s net funds will become available on the partner systems account balance 
created_datetimestampDate the payment was created in the commerce or partner platform
modifiedDatedateDate the record was last updated in the our system.

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