Customer model

Customer model

Details on Groovs model to help you understand the data and how to maximise the integration benefits

Customer data dictionary

What is a Customer object on Groov platform?

The customer object allows you to query the sellers/businesses customers i.e its buyers detail. The sellers commerce/payment partner platform will have the feature for the seller to save such details to enable the seller to easily process recurring payments or regular payments.

This object also allows one to track multiple payments associated with the same customer or go deeper into analysis of the various subscriptions, orders, products the buyer has subscribed/purchased from the seller/business over a period of time. This can be queried by using the customer identifier from the object definition below and querying in the other Groov data model objects (like dispute, invoices, external account) once such objects are available in the API catalogue.

The payment history associated to a customer allows you to see the engagement/sales history between the seller and the buyer (customer). This can be queried by using the customer identifier across payment object in the Groov data model.

Data Dictionary

objectstringvalue is "customer"
IdstringUnique identifier for the object (as on Groovs db)
partnerSourcestringname of the partner system
ledgerAccountidstringid of the merchant account ledger entry as setup on Groov platform. 
namestringFull name of the customer or business
addresshashThe customers' address 
citystringCity or Town
postal_codestringpost code or zip code
countrystringTwo-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).
emailstringCustomers email address
phonestringCustomers phone number
shipping_addresshashThe customers' shipping address 
citystringCity or Town
postal_codestringpost code or zip code
countrystringTwo-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2).
shipping_namestringFull name of the customer or business (for the shipping contact)
shipping_phonestringCustomers phone number (for shipping contact)
payment_currencycurrencyThree-letter ISO code for the currency the customer can be charged in for recurring billing purposes.
external_account_idstringid of the external_account on Groov platform that contains the details of the card or bank account or cypto/other payment method details as saved on file for the named customer

Expansion is enabled on this attribute
subscriptionsstringid of the subscription object on Groov platform that contains the details of any subscriptions that the merchant has signed upto at the merchants end.

Expansion is enabled on this attribute
created_datetimestampDate the customer was created in the commerce or partner platform
modifiedDatedateDate the record was last updated in the our system.
recordStatestringShow if the record is deleted (can be ACTIVE or DELETED)

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